Education Depot


Announcing the opening of registration for classes to be held at Steamer Hill in Rollag Minnesota on July 12th and 13th, 2025, aka. Rollagology VI.

In the interest of educating people in the activities that occur at Rollag, MN during the Labor Day Weekend Show, a total of 6 classes will be offered on the show grounds on the weekend of July 12th and 13th, 2025.

Individuals are able to sign up for two of the three morning classes offered on Saturday and Sunday. They can also sign up for any two of the three classes offered Saturday afternoon. Sunday afternoon will be a chance to go to any of the class instructors for further information, questions you forgot to ask, contacts… etc., or travel home early if needed. Class registrations will be limited to 15 people per session, except the Print Shop, which is limited to 8 people per class.  No one can attend the same class twice that weekend (you can select any class even if you attended in past years).  Children under 14 must be accompanied by an adult.

Registration for the weekend is $40 and covers camping, lunch on Saturday and Sunday as well as the Saturday evening meal.


Saturday and Sunday morning 4 hour classes: (pick one Saturday and one Sunday)

  • Blacksmithing   (8:00 a.m. to Noon, Saturday and Sunday)
  • Print Shop Operations (8:00 a.m. to Noon, Saturday and Sunday)
  • Stationary Steam (8:00 a.m. to Noon, Saturday and Sunday)

This is a list of the Saturday afternoon 2 hour classes: (pick two)

  • Babbit Pouring  (1:00 p.m., and 3:30 p.m. Saturday)
  • Ladies Activities, Making Fire Starters (1:00 p.m., and 3:30 p.m. Saturday)
  • Making a Tin Rose (1:00 p.m, and 3:30 p.m. Saturday)

Here’s a short description of the classes being offered and the general topics we’ll teach on:

Print Shop Operations

Ever watched the amount of machinery moving in a printing press? Ever wondered how it all works together to print a document? It’s nearly a miracle!! This class is designed to show you the inner workings of a printing press, the different designs working during the industrial revolution, how to type-set, linotype, load paper, cut, fold….etc. In this 4 hour class, you’ll learn the attachments to the press that make the different operations possible. You’ll also learn the safety rules that go along with being around a press and what kinds of things typically go wrong. You won’t leave this class an expert, but you’ll be able to explain “what’s what” as well as be a helpful apprentice if you so desire.

Instructors are: Jerome Ekre, Al Frysinger, John Schafer, Spencer Christenson, and TBD members of the WMSTR print shop.



You’ll learn the tools and metal properties needed to produce beautiful artwork in this interactive 4 hour class. Members of the Northern Minnesota Metal Smiths Guild will assist you in basic metal forming techniques and give you basic information on heating and beating steel, ending in a project you take home with you. We’ll provide you the project materials and tools (steel, hammers, anvil, forge, shop…etc), you need to bring safety glasses, gloves and hearing protection. You’ll learn the “who’s who” of blacksmithing in our area and how to become more involved in the hobby. A perfect opportunity for the beginner and a fun ½ day for the novice.

Instructors are: Kevin Fettig, Keith Johnson, Clint Adams, Phil Ylitalo, Kerwin Lund, Brendan Stevens and TBD members of the Guild.


Stationary Steam

This class is designed specifically to teach the detailed operation of the Villaume Corliss engine and the Montana Boiler.  You’ll learn the in’s and out’s of both and get a good feel for the amount of work it takes to operate and maintain these first class exhibits.  You’ll get “hands on” engine experience starting and stopping the Villaume and Pabst both.  There’s going to be a bit of thermodynamics, chemistry, combustion theory, electrical generation, complicated governing mechanisms, patent law as well as history, business scheduling and overall management philosophy. (No you will not receive an engineering degree when it’s done!)  It’ll be introduced in a way that we can all understand and hopefully some that take the class will be interested in learning more and helping the crew outside of, and during the show.

Instructors are:  Brad Thielen, Terry Stoerginger, Renny Vargo, Chris Baird,  Mark Neu, Neil Hemminger, Gary Nelson and Jeff Nelson


Pouring Babbit

It’s likely we’ve all heard of babbit. (not babble, as some have accused Ray Wangler of doing).  Babbit is a lead based compround that is used in bearings.  It’s been around nearly since the invention of rotating shafts as a means of power transmission was introduced and is still used extensively today in car engines, high speed turbines, ship propeller bearings, rock crushers…..etc  Nearly anywhere a shaft rotates in a machine with a sleeve type bearing, babbit is present.  Why Rollagology?  The railroad, steam traction engines, gas tractors, stationary steam and internal combustion engines, construction equipment and many more exhibits all have babbit bearings.  Nearly any refurbishment of these pieces of equipment require the pouring of babbit bearings.  This class is going to teach you the properties of babbit, how the extensive setup to pour babbit is done and then you’ll see and participate in pouring a bearing.  No way to be an expert after this class, but you’ll understand what it takes and might spark an interest in learning more.

Instructor:  Alan Svanes


Ladies Activities, Making the Perfect Fire Starting Pine Cone

This 2 hour class is for EVERYONE!  If you’re a model steam engineer, run a big engine, or simply enjoy the evening campfire, there’s something to learn here.  You’ll get in on the melting of wax and learn the properties that make it the perfect coating.  Pine cones are a wonderful fuel, and are excellent tinder (not the dating kind) found in nature.  The best part is you leave with your creation.  A low impact class designed to have fun, visit, and learn a useful skill

Instructors: Cheryl Rotz, with Daughters Steph and Jess.


Making a Tin Rose

A new item has been added to the blacksmith shop for sale during the show, and our team is delighted to again offer a class teaching the technique of making tin roses.   This two hour class will show you the tools and craftsmanship required to make a beautiful piece of art work.  Perfect ones take many hours of practice, but you’ll leave this class with the tin rose you made and the basic knowledge to create one of these magnificent pieces.

Instructor is Jim Hopfauf


Education Weekend Itinerary

Friday 7/11/2025 1900 – 2000 hrs. (7.00 – 8:00 p.m.) Kickoff/meet and greet meeting at the Mercantile

Saturday 7/12/2025:

  • 0630 hrs. Coffee and social at the Mercantile
  • 0730 Load people movers and proceed to class locations
  • 1200 Load at classes for provided lunch at the Mercantile
  • 1230 Load people movers for afternoon classes
  • 1630 Load at classes return to Mercantile for evening meal

Sunday 7/13/2025:

  • 0630 hrs. Coffee and social at the Mercantile
  • 0730 Load people movers and proceed to class locations
  • 1200 Load at classes for provided lunch and closing comments at the Mercantile
  • 1230-1630 Free time for students to roam class areas, visit, or travel home.